
November 17, 2008



From “A Primitive Diet” by Beverly Southam


  • 1 large eggplant cut into thin slices
  • 4 large ripe tomatoes chopped
  • 1 red pepper chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 onion sliced
  • 2 sticks celery sliced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 2 tablespoons capers rinsed under water to remove white vinegar
  • 1/2 cup pitted green olives
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic crushed
  • Dash of salt
  • Grind of pepper
  • Lettuce leaves and fresh sprouts for serving
  1. Lightly sprinkle both sides of eggplant with salt and leave to sit for about 30 minutes.
  2. Shake together the olive oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic, salt and pepper and set aside for flavors to develop.
  3. Rinse salt from eggplant and let the slices dry.
  4. Fry quickly in a little olive oil in a frying pan til both sides are golden brown, the remove and cut into large cubes.
  5. Place in a bowl and lightly mix the dressing through and leave to marinate for at least an hour.
  6. Gently toss with all remaining ingredients except lettuce and sprouts.
  7. Serve in salad bowls on a bed of lettuce and the mixed sprouts.

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Banana Bread

Banana Bread

Banana Bread

By Rachel Kay


  • 2 cups Pre-Leavened Flour (I used Pamela’s Ultimate Baking and Pancake mix, but you can use anything that you feel comfortable with)
  • 2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 2/3 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Milk (cow, goat, soy, rice, etc)
  • 2 Eggs or Egg Replacement
  • 3 tbsp Oil
  • 2 Medium Bananas, mashed
  • optional: 1/2 cup chopped nuts or chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Spray a 5″ by 10″ bread pan with non-stick cooking spray, or approximately 15 muffin tins. Line the bread pan with parchment paper (NOT wax paper), allowing it to overhang the edges of the pan.
  2. Mix flour and cinnamon together in a large mixing bowl. Stir in the brown sugar and create a well in the center of the flour. Place the liquid ingredients (NOT including the mashed banana) into the middle of the well and stir until well combined.
  3. Add the mashed bananas to the mixture and incorporate completely.
  4. If you are choosing to add chopped nuts or chocolate chips (or whatever strikes your fancy) mix them in now.
  5. Spoon the batter into the prepared bread pan or muffin tins and smooth the surface.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out cleanly.
  7. Remove the loaf or muffins from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes before

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Whitefish & Yellow Pike Gefilte fish

Yields 12–18 portions.

Fish Broth


  • Fish bones and heads, washed
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 3 carrots, sliced
  • 1 potato, peeled and sliced
  • 1-3 teaspoons of salt
  • 1-3 teaspoons sugar


  1. Place all ingredients in a large pot.
  2. Fill one-third to one-half full of water. There should be enough water to cover the fish that will be added later.
  3. Bring to a boil.

Gefilte Fish


  • 3–4 pounds whole yellow pike and white fish, ground
  • 1/2 pound carp
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Fish broth (above)


  1. In a blender, whip up onion, eggs and most of the carrot.
  2. Combine mixture with with ground fish and seasonings. Mix well and set aside.
  3. Prepare basic fish sauce and heat to boiling.
  4. Form fish mixture into balls or patties (using wet hands with cold water helps), and drop them carefully into the boiling fish sauce one at a time.
  5. Once all balls or patties are in the pot and the broth has returned to a boil, lower flame, cover and simmer for two to two and a half hours, depending on the size fish you made.
  6. Remove the fish from liquid, arrange on a large serving platter with a slice of carrot on top of each and pour on a bit of the sauce if you want an aspic.
  7. Chill and serve.

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Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

November 14, 2008

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

By Edgar Steele,
NFCA Chef Spokesperson


  • 2 pounds butternut squash
  • 8 oz. onion, chopped
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 ounce butter
  • water, as needed
  • salt to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place the squash on a sheet pan, put it in the oven and roast until it is soft. Remove the squash from the oven and place it on a rack to cool.
  2. Melt the butter in a large pot, and add the onion and the bay leaf. Cook the onion over a low flame until it is soft and translucent, about 30 minutes.
  3. Once slightly cooled, peel the squash. Cut the squash with the seeds into large chunks and put into the pot with the cooking onions.
  4. Cover the squash with water and allow it to simmer for 20 minutes. Season the mixture with salt, and then blend it on the highest possible speed your blender has until it is smooth and free of any lumps or sediment. Note: A high power blender will liquefy all seed pieces, while a soup blended with a lower power one may require straining before ready to eat)
  5. After blending, return the soup

Garnishing Ideas:

  • Yogurt (optionally flavored with some spice)
  • Toasted pumpkin seeds
  • Small pieces of herbs such as parsley, cilantro or basil
  • Nuts
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Vanessa Maltin’s Famous Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vanessa Maltin’s Famous Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vanessa Maltin’s Famous Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

By Vanessa Maltin,
NFCA Director of Programming & Communications


  • 1 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/4 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons non-fat vanilla flavored cream (ex. Coffeemate)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 cups brown rice flour
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch (can use potato starch if you want)
  • 2 tablespoons tapioca flour
  • 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup white chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

In a standing mixer, cream together melted butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, whole egg, egg white, vanilla cream and vanilla extract. Mix for about one minute.

In a separate bowl, mix together rice flour, cornstarch, tapioca flour, xanthan gum, salt and baking soda. Mix well so ingredients are evenly distributed.

Turn the mixer speed to low and slowly add dry ingredients into butter/sugar mixture. Mix until a smooth dough forms.

Add in semisweet and white chocolate chips and mix just enough to evenly distribute chips through cookie dough.

Grease a baking sheet and form dough into balls (about 2-inches in diameter). Bake for 13 minutes. Cool before serving.

For more delicious tips and recipes visit

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Chili Pecan Crusted Goat Cheese with Peach Salsa

Chili Pecan Crusted Goat Cheese with Peach Salsa

Chili Pecan Crusted Goat Cheese with Peach Salsa

By Vanessa Maltin,
NFCA Director of Programming & Communications


Step 1: Peach Salsa

  • 2 Semi-Ripe Yellow Peaches
  • 1 Red Onion, diced
  • 2 Tomatoes, diced
  • 1 bunch Cilantro, finely chopped
  • 1 Serrano Chili, finely diced and seeds removed
  • 2 tablespoons Lime Juice
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher Salt
  • 1 tablespoon Garlic Powder

In a mixing bowl, gently stir all ingredients together. Chill while you prepare the rest of the food items.

Step 2: Spinach Salad

  • 1 tablespoon Garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Lime Juice
  • 2 tablespoons Orange Juice
  • 2 tablespoons Lemon Juice
  • 2 teaspoons Sugar
  • Pinch Salt
  • Pinch Pepper
  • 1 package fresh Spinach

In a mixing bowl, whisk together all ingredients except for spinach to make dressing. Pour dressing over spinach and toss. Set aside.

Step 3: Goat Cheese

  • 1/2 cup Oil for frying
  • 1 cup Pecans, crushed into a powder
  • 1 tablespoon Chili Powder
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 package Goat Cheese

Heat oil in a large frying pan.

Pour pecans into a ziplock bag and using a mallet, crush pecans into a chunky powder. Add chili powder to ziplock and toss until completely mixed in. In a small bowl beat egg.

Slice goat cheese into 3-inch diameter circles or squares. Dip goat cheese into egg and then coat it with pecan and chili mixture.

Place coated goat cheese into heated oil and fry for no more than 1 minute on each side, just long enough to brown pecans.

Plating & Serving:
On a plate, put a heaping pile of spinach. Top the spinach with a 1-cup portion of peach salsa. Lay slices of chili pecan crusted goat cheese on top of salsa. Enjoy!

To learn how to make this recipe on a budget, visit the new Gluten-Free on a Budget blog.

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Stir-Fried Vegetables

Stir-Fried Vegetables

Stir-Fried Vegetables

By Christina Gentila,
NFCA Volunteer


Stir-Fried Vegetables: (Serves 4)

  • 8 ounces extra firm tofu
  • 8 dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup dashi (make sure it is Gluten-Free!)
  • 2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce (make sure it is Gluten-Free!)
  • 2 tablespoons sake
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons rice bran oil
  • 1 medium yellow onion; peeled, halved, and cut into thin crescents
  • 2 medium carrots; trimmed, peeled, and diagonally cut into thin slices
  • 1 medium Yukon gold potato (about 1/2 pound); diagonally halved, each half cut into 1/4-inch thick
  • slices
  • 1/2 pound string beans; trimmed and diagonally cut in half
  • 1 yellow summer squash; trimmed and diagonally halved, each half diagonally thinly sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper; cored, seeded, and cut into thin strips
  1. Rinse the tofu under cold water. Drain and cut into small dice.
  2. Place the shiitake mushrooms in a small bowl and add 2 cups of water. Let soak for 20 minutes. Remove 1/4 cup of the mushroom soaking water (or 1/2 cup if making a vegetarian version) and place in a small bowl. Blend in the dashi (omit if making the vegetarian version), 1 tablespoon of the soy, the sake, and the salt. Add several grinds of pepper to this seasoning mixture.
  3. Drain the mushrooms; squeeze gently to remove excess water. Cut off the stems. Cut each cap into thin slices.
  4. Heat the oil in a wok or large sauté pan over high heat. Add the onion and shiitake caps and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Add the carrots and potato slices and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Stir in half of the seasoning mixture and cook for 4 minutes.
  5. Add string beans, yellow summer squash, and remaining seasoning mixture. Continue stir-frying the vegetables for 6 more minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked through and most (if not all) of the seasoning liquid has evaporated. Add the tofu, red pepper, and the remaining tablespoon of soy. Toss to mix, and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Transfer to a large serving bowl.

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Steamed Brioche Buns

Steamed Brioche Buns

Steamed Brioche Buns

By Edgar Steele,
NFCA Chef Spokesman


  • 2 1/2 – Cups Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
  • Extra Flour For Dusting And Kneading
  • 1 1/2 – Teaspoons Active Dry Yeast
  • 1 1/2 – Tablespoons Granulated Sugar
  • 1 – Teaspoon Salt
  • 1/4 – Cup Cool Water
  • 2 – Teaspoons Xantham Gum
  • 4 – Large Eggs
  • 1 – Egg Yolk
  • 1 – Cup Cold Unsalted Butter, Cut Into Small Cubes, About 1/2 Inch

Put the water and xantham gum in a blender, and blend on high speed until completely smooth. Place 1 1/2 cups of the G.F.A.P. flour, yeast, sugar, salt, water with xantham gum and eggs into a bowl and mix them until they come together. Knead these ingredients in the bowl just until smooth until smooth (a bit of oil may be used on your hands to prevent sticking). Cover the mixture with plastic film, and let it sit for 45 minutes.

Add the remaining cup of flour, transfer the dough to a flat surface, and knead it until it is shiny and elastic and doesn’t stick to the surface, about 10 minutes.

Sprinkle the flat surface with some flour. Put the dough ball on the floured surface and flatten it a bit, then spread the butter cubes over it. Knead the dough with the butter until the butter is completely mixed in.

Cover the dough again with plastic film and allow it to rise for 1 hour. It will be very soft at this point, and should have risen by about one-third.

Place the dough again onto a lightly floured surface and fold it over several times. Place the dough into an oiled bowl, cover the bowl tight with plastic film, and refrigerate it for at least six hours, and up to about twelve hours.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cut it into 2 oz. Pieces, then form them into balls. The dough will become very sticky as it warms, so work quickly. Place the portioned brioche balls onto the racks of a bamboo steamer, and cover the dough with a light cloth towel. Allow it to rise for 2 1/2 to 3 hours, or until it has doubled in size.

Whisk the egg yolk with a pinch of salt, and brush all exposed surfaces of the brioche balls with it.

Choose a saucepot whose diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the bamboo steamer trays. Fill the pot half full with water, and bring the water to a boil. Place the bamboo trays on top of the pot, and allow the brioche buns to steam cook for about 30 minutes.

Remove the bamboo trays from the pot, and allow them to cool at room temperature for 5 minutes. After five minutes, place the buns onto a cooling rack to cool completely.

* If an electric mixer is available and you wish to save some elbow grease, the kneading of the bread may be done with a dough hook with the machine set on medium speed.

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Balsamic Caramalized Onions

Balsamic Caramalized Onions

Balsamic Caramelized Onions

By Edgar Steele,
NFCA Chef Spokesman


  • 3-Cups Onions, Sliced
  • 1-Tablespoon Butter
  • 1-Bay Leaf
  • 2-Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1-Teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
  • Salt To Taste

Melt the butter in a small sauté pan over very low heat. Add the onions and bay leaf and allow them to cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions are slightly golden in color, about 30 minutes. If browning occurs at the bottom of the pan before the onions are finished cooking, try adjusting the heat to a lower flame or you may add a few drops of water to the pan and scrape the bottom of the pan to lift the browning areas.

Stir in the balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce, and adjust the heat to medium. Allow the onions to simmer until the liquid is almost completely reduced. Season to taste with salt and reserve hot.

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Cauliflower Steak

Cauliflower Steak

Cauliflower Steak

By Edgar Steele,
NFCA Chef Spokesman


Cauliflower Steak

  • 1 Head Cauliflower
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • 2 Tbsp. Diced Shallots
  • 1 Clove Garlic, Sliced
  • 1 Medium Sized Onion, Sliced
  • Water
  • Sea Salt
  1. Peel the outer green leaves from the cauliflower and discard. Cut out the core of the cauliflower and discard. Cut a 3/4 inch slice from the center of the cauliflower, from stem end to tip. Using a paring knife, score some small slices into the stem part of the cauliflower slice, going about half way into the stem.
  2. Trim the tips from the remaining cauliflower florets, and chop into similar-sized “pebbles”.
  3. Heat 4 tablespoons of oil over low heat in a small saucepot, and add the onions and a little salt. Add enough water to barely cover the onions, and cook them until they are golden in color, about 45 minutes. Remove the onions from the oil and puree them in a blender. Adjust the flavor of the puree with salt.
  4. Coat the large slice of cauliflower with oil and sprinkle with salt, then place on a hot grill. Evenly cook the cauliflower on the grill to achieve marks, and then remove the steak onto an oven-safe metal plate. Place the cauliflower into an oven set at 350° F.
  5. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a sauté pan and add the shallots and garlic. Cook the shallots and garlic until they are golden in color, and season them with salt. Add the cauliflower pebbles and briefly sauté them until they are soft.
  6. Place a small amount of the sautéed cauliflower pebbles on the base of a plate, and drizzle some of the onion puree over the plate. Remove the cauliflower steak form the oven once soft, and place it on top of the sautéed mix. Sprinkle some sea salt over the steak, and drizzled some olive oil over the plate.

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