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Celiac Disease and Women's Health

Celiac Disease and Women’s Health: A Guide to Understanding

 width=Celiac disease is commonly associated with gastrointestinal issues, but it can also impact the reproductive system, resulting in complications like infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths, and other adverse pregnancy outcomes.

The obstetric and gynecologic community can help improve the celiac disease diagnosis rate, helping women achieve better health for themselves, as well as their future children.

Beyond Celiac encourages women’s health practitioners to educate themselves and their patients about celiac disease and proper treatment through the gluten-free diet.

Celiac Disease Symptoms in Women

While symptoms typical of the disease include diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and recurrent abdominal pain, celiac disease symptoms in women may also include:

Read more about celiac disease symptoms in women.

Celiac Disease Prevalence in Women

Celiac disease affects 3 million Americans and is one of the most common occurring lifelong, genetically determined diseases.

Like other autoimmune diseases, celiac disease is often diagnosed more often in women than men. Women in the general population are diagnosed with celiac disease two to three times more often than men. Current research indicates that 60% to 70% of those diagnosed with celiac disease are women.

Read more about celiac disease prevalence in women.

Testing & Diagnosis in Women

2018 study published in the journal Human Reproduction shows how critical it is for physicians to consider undiagnosed celiac disease when a woman has reproductive problems.

If you have struggled with fertility difficulties, ask your doctor to be tested for celiac disease. It is well-known that it is best to catch celiac disease as early as possible since the diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve a person’s overall well-being.

Blood tests are the first step in a diagnosis of celiac disease. Your doctor should order blood tests to measure the body’s response to gluten.

Currently, recommended tests include:

  • Total IgA
  • IgA-tTG
  • IgA-EMA
  • If IgA is deficient, it is recommended that the IgG/IgA-DGP also be ordered. At the discretion of the doctor, IgG-AGA can also be ordered.

An Important Note about Celiac Disease Testing

It is of the utmost importance that you do not go on a gluten-free diet before getting tested. Going gluten-free before getting tested can potentially give you incorrect results.

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Think you may have celiac disease?

Symptoms Checklist