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Keeping Track of What You Like and Don’t Like


I just found out I have celiac disease. Some of the food is pretty good, but my parents can’t keep straight which ones I like. They keep buying the same stuff for me to try. Do you have any tips?


It can be confusing to adopt a whole new diet, especially when more than one person in your house is shopping.

Here’s a tip:

Keep three envelopes in your kitchen, along with some scissors. Mark the envelopes: 1) Like it, 2) Love it! and 3) Hate it. Cut out the labels and put them in the appropriate envelope. Then your parents can keep track of what foods you love and which ones you can live with.

Also, read reviews from other gluten-free kids (right here on Kids Central!) and attend local gluten-free events so you can learn which foods you like before you buy.

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