NIH Board Approves Center for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics
New center will support development of new therapeutics, which bodes well for celiac treatment research.
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Every day, researchers are working to get a better understanding of celiac disease and its various presentations. Ongoing research is also exploring potential drug treatments for celiac disease. To view all information related to drug development and research, please visit our main celiac disease research page. Learn about the Beyond Celiac Science Department here.
New center will support development of new therapeutics, which bodes well for celiac treatment research.
Glo-3A antibodies, triggered by autoimmune response to wheat, were higher in children with celiac disease and peaked 2 years before elevated tTG.
Study finds women with reproductive problems tested positive for celiac disease more often than control group.
Renowned neurologist notes "remarkable change" in 9-year-old girl after switching to gluten-free diet.
A group of Italian researchers suggests that prevalence may be closer to 1 in 160, but two recent studies were left out of review.
Celiac disease researchers reap benefits from Christmas webcam sensation.
Study of more than 4,000 children indicates that saliva samples could be new, simple tool to speed celiac diagnosis.
New study sheds light on link between celiac disease and fertility issues.
New research finds that celiacs who display no signs or symptoms report decreased sense of well-being on gluten-free diet.
UPDATE: Videos! Major contribution will fund new research institute to investigate the autoimmune disorder.
Celiac expert leads analysis that finds 1 percent of endoscopic procedures land patient in the ER.
New solution could give gluten-free bread better texture.
Extensive literature review shows potential role of celiac disease in women’s health issues and indicates need for greater awareness among healthcare providers.
Celiacs with strong internal control stick to the gluten-free diet and report higher quality of life, study finds.
Case study finds back pain improves with vitamin supplements and gluten-free diet.
New study finds prevalence doubled every 15 years.
In a new study, one-third of children biopsied showed villous atrophy by 3-year follow-up.
Stressing accountability and positivity, celiac says disease is "what you make of it."
Gluten-free blogs and social media are go-to sources for celiac information.
Scientific advancements could lead to a celiac-friendly wheat.
A new study confirms that celiacs and non-celiacs have a similar risk for colorectal cancer.
More moms are opting for cesarean delivery, which has been linked to celiac disease.
Breastfeeding can ward off disease, for both mother and baby.
Celiac disease was listed among the conditions scientists hope to explore using stem cells.
Survey of Canadian gastroenterologists confirms need for consensus-based guidelines in care.
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