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Celiac Disease Research Articles


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Every day, researchers are working to get a better understanding of celiac disease and its various presentations. Ongoing research is also exploring potential drug treatments for celiac disease. To view all information related to drug development and research, please visit our main celiac disease research page. Learn about the Beyond Celiac Science Department here.

Latest Celiac Disease Research Articles


More children, fewer adults being diagnosed with celiac disease

The incidence rate of celiac disease has increased over the past two decades, largely driven by diagnosis of children from six to ten years old, according to a study based on Minnesota electronic health records and presented at Digestive Disease Week.


Celiac disease moderately increases the risk of heart disease

Despite being less likely to be overweight, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol and other known risk factors, people who have celiac disease may be more likely to develop heart disease than people who don’t, according to a new UK study.


New collaborations for celiac disease drugs

Two drugs currently under study for the treatment of celiac disease are part of new collaborations between pharmaceutical companies which could result in acceleration of the drugs’ progress.


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