From Chef Oonagh Williams of Royal Temptations Catering
1. Put the farmer’s cheese, cream cheese, sugar, cream, egg yolks, orange and lemon zest in a food processor and process until the mix is extremely smooth. Transfer to mixing bowl.
2. Add vanilla, raisins, almonds and candied fruit and stir well to combine.
3. Line a clean, unused 4-cup flowerpot (plastic is fine) with a double layer of rinsed and squeezed-dried cheesecloth. Spoon the cheese mix into the lined pot, smooth the surface, fold the ends of the cheesecloth neatly over the top. Place a saucer, plastic wrap or plastic lid on the cheesecloth, then a 2 lb. weight such as a can on top of the saucer. Stand the flowerpot upright in a bowl large enough to drain into with enough space under bottom of flower pot so it is not sitting in drained liquid.
4. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours.
5. Discard any liquid that drained out. Unmold the cheese onto a serving plate and carefully remove the cheesecloth.
6. Decorate with candied fruits.
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