Hey all! I’m Tori, based in Philadelphia where I live with my pup, Archie.
While my five-year journey to diagnosis was difficult, the few years post-diagnosis proved to be even more challenging. Between navigating ordering at restaurants, partaking in holiday gatherings, and going on vacations, I came to realize that my doctors didn’t have all the answers I needed. All of this confusion was compounded by the fact that I have a sibling who had been diagnosed several years before me. If anyone should have had the tools for a successful transition to a life with celiac disease, it should have been me.
Through this experience, I’ve come to believe that the communities Beyond Celiac fosters play a crucial role in supporting those with celiac disease facing similar roadblocks. I also believe the work of Beyond Celiac will pave a smoother path forward for those who have yet to be diagnosed.
As an Ambassador, I hope to put my background in nonprofit marketing to use to build a stronger gluten-free community, so we can work together to fill in the gaps, overcome barriers and promote safe and healthy gluten-free living in Philly.