“One thing I wish had been explained to me is how living with CD could impact my body long-term and potentially increase my risk for other chronic illnesses.”
“Countless doctors appointments and tests later I still had no answer to what was causing all these issues that deeply impacted my life.”
“Prior to my celiac disease diagnosis, I was always in the kitchen cooking with my grandma, making meals for my family. I enjoyed having the freedom of eating whatever I wanted.”
“I believe the forced restrictions of my diet since such an early age contributed to my eating disorder.”
“A cure for celiac disease could mean the return of the life I once knew. Being recently diagnosed, there is a mourning period you go through for the life you once had.”
“It would have been nice if I was screened after my miscarriages by my OB, and if I had some guidance to how long to be on a gluten-free diet before becoming pregnant again.”
“[Claire] was down to eight pounds at 18 months old. We went to the doctor, and they kept telling us it was a virus, and that it would go away. We finally took her to a Children’s Hospital.”
“Celiac isn’t the end of the world or good food. It just means you really have to be mindful of you.”
“When I’d experience pain, it was like my body was on fire and everyone around me would say, ‘What fire? You look fine.'”
“I had a senior dog and I knew I wanted another dog, and I started to seriously think a gluten detection service dog may be an option.”
“It would be so nice to not stress about what I am eating when I am away from home. To just be able to order food and not worry if I am going to feel sick later because of cross-contamination.”
“Even if there isn’t a cure yet, there are things we can do to make life easier for people with celiac disease. We should push for better labeling on food packages so it’s easier to know what’s safe to eat. Schools and restaurants should also be more educated about celiac disease.”
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