Tarishi PopliThe Voices of Celiac Disease

“I have a keen desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by this condition,”

A photo of Tarishi smiling.

Hey, I’m Tarishi Popli and I am currently 14 years old in Fremont, California. I was diagnosed with celiac disease when I was six years old after constantly complaining about stomach issues. My dad was subsequently tested and also diagnosed with celiac disease a couple weeks later.

Life with Celiac Disease

Living on a gluten-free diet for the last eight years has been such a journey for our family. Initially, I faced challenges finding food options while traveling, at birthday parties, at school, and in several other circumstances. Explaining this disease to friends and family also proved quite challenging. However, over time, I have learned to accept this and learn more about the world with celiac disease.

Making a Difference

As an ambassador for Beyond Celiac, I can share my voice and my journey to aid others diagnosed with this condition. As the world continues to grow, I strongly believe that our stories can inspire others to one day find a cure. I want to be able to play my part and take initiative to reach others at stores, bakeries, and restaurants to educate them on celiac disease and open up several new, safe options for gluten-free food.

I have a keen desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by this condition, providing hope and relief for individuals who face the daily challenges associated with celiac disease.

Other Interests

Living with celiac has also driven my interest in research—not only in celiac disease but also in other prevalent issues in the world today, including cancer. I have been a student researcher for over a year now in the field of oncology. My research focuses on developing innovative treatments and therapies, offering improved outcomes and increased survival rates for cancer patients.

On top of that, I have been playing the piano for over seven years and am preparing for a Level 9 CM this year.

I am deeply grateful to be an ambassador of this wonderful program and I strive to help others navigate their own journeys with celiac disease!