Hi, I’m Ashleigh! I live in Westfield, New Jersey with my husband and two beautiful daughters, who are 7 and 4.
I’ve worked in marketing and sales roles in the pharmaceutical industry for 15 years across a variety of disease areas, including gastrointestinal. While I had worked with many physicians, patients, and advocacy groups, I never understood what it was really like to be touched by a condition until my older daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease at age 4 and a half. The few people we knew with celiac disease were INSTRUMENTAL in helping us navigate a new path in order to keep her safe (and giving us food ideas!). Their support inspired me to educate others and myself.
I am so excited to work with Beyond Celiac to make a larger impact, raise awareness, support others, and advocate for a higher standard of living for those with celiac disease. Most importantly, I hope to serve as a role model for my daughter as she continues to develop her own voice about the subject!