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Using Education & Training to Keep Meals Safe : What are GREAT Kitchens and GREAT Schools, Colleges and Camps?

Using Education & Training to Keep Meals Safe

What are GREAT Kitchens and GREAT Schools, Colleges and Camps?

GREAT Kitchens and GREAT Schools, Colleges and Camps are online gluten-free training programs designed to teach foodservice establishments the ins and outs of safe gluten-free food preparation. The programs are quite similar; each contains 5 modules focuses on ensuring food stays gluten-free from the ingredient sourcing until the plate hits the table.

What’s different about the GREAT training programs is that each module is focused on every aspect of the foodservice process. The program gets everyone in the foodservice process involved and up-to-speed, from the hosts and wait staff to the food runners and chefs.

The GREAT Kitchens modules include:

  • The Gluten-Free Guest: Explains why safe gluten-free food preparation is vital to the health of those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • Ingredients: Teaches foodservice staff to identify gluten-containing ingredients, including those that may not be immediately obvious.
  • Back-of-the-House (2-Part Module): Part 1 includes best practices for dry and cold storage, menu development and equipment concerns. Part 2 provides information on cross-contact and step-by-step ways to prevent it from occurring.
  • Front-of-the-House: Preps hosts and wait staff to answer questions about gluten-free menus and preparation processes. The importance of communicating with the gluten-free diner and understanding their role to ensure a safe meal are reinforced. It also emphasizes the importance of calling for back-up to tackle the tougher questions.
  • Implementation: This management guide offers key information about all aspects of developing and maintaining a gluten-free program. Tips on training, menu overhauls, safety protocols and rolling out a program are included.

The GREAT Schools, College and Camps program is similar to GREAT Kitchens. This program, however, has modules geared especially towards “The Gluten-Free Student,” “Serving the Gluten-Free Student,” and creating the “Gluten-Free Action Plan,” which address student needs, regulations, service in a cafeteria and management assistance.

While the programs have some differences, they both achieve the same end goal: Educated foodservice staff that understand gluten-free food is medicine for those with gluten-related disorders.

Think you may have celiac disease?

Symptoms Checklist