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Gluten-Free For Life Program

March 22, 2019

Gluten-Free For Life Program

Joing PHS staffer and gluten-free blogger Claire Baker for a friendly discussion about celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. Claire will share information and recipes that are delicious in addition to being gluten-free. This will be a “brown-bag” discussion and attendees can feel free to come and go throughout the session.

When: Friday, July 27, 2012

Where: PHS Pop Up Garden
1905 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103

For more information: Contact Claire Baker at [email protected]

Note: Beyond Celiac provides information on gluten-free events as a service to the community. Please note that Beyond Celiac cannot assure the event participant or restaurant patron of the gluten-free practices or knowledge of the restaurants cited if they have not completed the Beyond Celiac GREAT Kitchens program, which provides accredited gluten-free training to restaurants and other foodservice providers. Please call the venue directly to learn more about their preparation processes.


Think you may have celiac disease?

Symptoms Checklist