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Resources in Theme: Dining Out

Things to know about celiac disease if you work in a restaurant setting
A quick intro for wait staff and restaurant chefs on safely preparing food for customers with celiac disease.
Advocating for Yourself in a Restaurant Setting
How to advocate for yourself when you have celiac disease and are dining out!
Gluten-Free Restaurant Card
Print this restaurant card and hand it to the waiter or chef anywhere you dine out. It has basic information about how to cook gluten-free food for people with celiac disease. It also has a QR code th...
Gluten-Free Restaurant Safety
A guide to preparing gluten-free food that restaurant staff can use to serve gluten-free diners. While we cannot be liable for the safety of the food that is made, we hope this resource can be helpful...

Think you may have celiac disease?

Symptoms Checklist