Yes, Moscato wine is naturally gluten-free.
Moscato wine (sometimes called Muscat wine) is made from the Muscat grape and dates back to the 14th century. Historically, it was used as a palate cleanser, and today it is usually considered a dessert wine because of its sweet, fruity flavors. All Moscatos tend to pair well with very flavorful and spice-heavy foods.
There are sparkling and non-sparkling Moscatos. Most Moscatos are white wines, but there is also a rosé variety, which is usually just Moscato with a bit of Merlot added to give it that characteristic pink color. If you try a rosé Moscato, verify that the added flavor is a wine and not another alcohol or food coloring.
Wine is naturally gluten-free, but wines with extra flavorings or additives may not be gluten-free. If you have celiac disease, stick to pure, undiluted wines. For more information on wine production, visit our main page Is Wine Gluten-Free?
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