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Celiac Disease and Williams Syndrome

Celiac Disease and Williams Syndrome

What is Williams Syndrome?

Williams syndrome (sometimes called Williams-Beuren syndrome) is a genetic condition that occurs when a person is missing part of the genetic material of chromosome 7. This condition is present at birth and affects development in many parts of the body, causing specific facial features like a broad forehead, a short nose with a broad tip, full cheeks and a wide mouth. People may also experience dental issues, such as crooked, missing, or small teeth. People with Williams syndrome often have both learning disabilities and cognitive challenges.

Williams syndrome is usually caused by a random mutation, so parents may not have any family history of the condition. However, a person with Williams syndrome has a 50% chance of passing the disorder on to each child. This condition affects 1 in 7,500 to 10,000 people.

What is the Connection between Williams Syndrome and Celiac Disease?

Some studies have found that the prevalence of celiac disease among patients with Williams syndrome was higher than that in the general population. One study from 2015 found celiac disease in 4% of patients with Williams syndrome.

Where Can I Learn More?

Do you or a family member suffer from Williams syndrome? You may have celiac disease. Find out now. Take our Celiac Disease Symptoms Checklist.

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