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Is Port Wine Gluten-Free?

Two wine glasses with port on a table.Yes, pure, authentic Port wine is gluten-free. However, flavorings added after distillation to non-authentic Port wines may contain gluten.

What is Port?

Genuine Port wine is made in the Douro Valley of Portugal and fortified with grape spirits. The addition of grape spirits stops fermentation before all the sugar is converted to alcohol, making a wine that is around 20% alcohol.

Wines similar to Port but not produced in Portugal tend to be fortified with brandy, which is also gluten-free.

Port wines tend to pair well with cheeses, creamy desserts and chocolates.

Types of Port

  • Ruby Port: The most common and least expensive port. Ruby Port is stored in concrete or stainless steel tanks, which stops oxidative aging and preserves its deep red color. They tend to have fruity flavors.
  • White Port: Made from white (green) grapes. White Ports are a good base for cocktails, and many in Portugal commonly drink white Port mixed only with tonic water.
  • Tawny Port: Made from red grapes but aged in wooden barrels, which transforms the color to a gentle golden-brown. They tend to have nutty flavors and can pair with a main course better than a ruby or white Port.

Additives and Cross-Contact

Wine is naturally gluten-free, but wines with extra flavorings or additives may not be gluten-free. If you have celiac disease, stick to pure, undiluted wines. For more information on wine production, visit our main page Is Wine Gluten-Free?

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