Make the most of Celiac Awareness Month 2016! How many ways can you spread awareness?
It’s Celiac Awareness Month and that means it’s prime time for raising awareness in your communities and networks. As part of our #60ForCeliac campaign, we’re sharing 60 ways you can raise awareness and support the cause in May and all year long.
- Watch and share our new video to show what it’s like to have celiac disease.
- Wear a green shirt – it’s the unofficial official color for celiac disease.
- Bring gluten-free snacks to work, school, etc. and talk about why you need gluten-free.
- Tell a restaurant worker you have celiac disease instead of only asking for the gluten-free menu.
- Buy a celiac disease awareness bracelet from Bravelets (Beyond Celiac gets $10 for every purchase!).
- Leave brochures about celiac disease in your doctor’s office.
- Put a green ribbon magnet on your car.
- Share the Celiac Disease Symptoms Checklist on social media.
- Talk to your family about getting tested for celiac disease.
- Ask a restaurant, school, hospital or other foodservice establishment to take GREAT Kitchens online gluten-free training
- Follow Beyond Celiac on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest and share educational posts with your followers.
- Make tasty gluten-free dishes for someone who doesn’t have celiac disease (you can get inspired with our free eCookbook!).
- Follow new bloggers and share their content to help them reach people who might not know about celiac disease.
- Talk to one new person about celiac disease.
- Visit your local celiac disease support group and see what you can do to help.
- Write an op ed for your local newspaper asking for safer restaurants.
- Run or walk in a local charity event.
- Donate to support the work of Beyond Celiac.
- Sign up for the Beyond Celiac Research Opt-In to stay informed about the latest in research and opportunities to get involved.
- Patron a GREAT accredited restaurant.
- Ask a friend to eat gluten-free with you for one day to better understand what it’s like.
- Support a local bakery that does gluten-free the right way.
- Watch and share a Beyond Celiac webinar.
- Start a gluten-free club on your school or college campus.
- Pay for a local restaurant or school to be trained through the Beyond Celiac GREAT Kitchens or Schools training program.
- Send an email to your favorite blogger to thank them for the work they do.
- Go to a local gluten-free expo.
- Don’t have a local gluten-free expo? You can go to a virtual one.
- Help someone in the gluten-free aisle at the grocery store.
- Tell someone your diagnosis story. It can help them understand!
- Send a “thank you” note to the doctor who diagnosed you.
- Leave a positive review on Yelp for a restaurant that serves safe gluten-free food.
- Call into your local radio station and see if the DJ will mention Celiac Awareness Month.
- Hand out informational fliers at your workplace.
- Change your profile picture on social media to a green ribbon or other symbol for celiac disease.
- Write celiac disease facts on Post-Its and stick them around town.
- Tweet celebrities with celiac disease and ask them to tweet about the condition.
- Buy a green or embroidered “celiac disease awareness” collar for your dog or cat.
- Post a fact a day on social media throughout May.
- Put a sign on your lawn that mentions Celiac Awareness Month.
- Collect gluten-free products from your friends and neighbors and donate them to a local food pantry.
- Make your own t-shirt for Celiac Awareness Month.
- Make gluten-free play dough with the kids.
- Ask your grocery store or supermarket to add gluten-free products.
- Hug a chef that knows how to make celiac-safe gluten-free food.
- Tweet throughout May with the #60ForCeliac hashtag to get it trending.
- Put a green light on your front porch or steps.
- Ask your local sports teams to host a Celiac Awareness Day during one of their home games.
- Watch a video series on living with celiac disease with Gluten Away and Celiac and the Beast.
- Share your knowledge with gluten-free diet newbies in online support groups.
- Include “gluten-free” on the suggested food sign-ups for kids’ sports events and school potlucks.
- Host a gluten-free bake sale at your local school.
- Post “thank you” notes to manufacturers on social media who demonstrate support for the community
- Call or write to your Congress people and ask them to support the Gluten in Medicine Disclosure Act, H.R.3648.
- Set the record straight. Wish you could have addressed a misconception, but found yourself not in the right time or place? Never too late.
- Have a gluten-free dinner party where guests with celiac disease can eat anything they want.
- Make a follow-up appointment with your doctor.
- Write a review on the Beyond Celiac Facebook page.
- Share our college survey with a college student you know to help Beyond Celiac better understand their needs.
- Share this list with your friends and family!