My kids have been gluten-free for 2 years now with amazing results. Is a tax deduction the only reason I should have them actually tested and diagnosed? One child gave up seizures through a gluten-free diet; one kid gave up insomnia and eczema; and the other had intestinal and behavioral issues [before going gluten-free].
Hi Petra. I am not sure I understand your question. The advantage of having a diagnosis is really to validate the treatment you are putting your child through and help the children accept the diagnoses as they get older. It also helps with monitoring the children for other diseases that children with celiac are prone to.
Another benefit to testing is gene typing. The genetics of celiac is complex. This information would be helpful when your children consider starting their own family. It also helps other family members so they can get tested and know their risk of developing celiac disease.
Center for Celiac Disease at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
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