Our immune system, gut microbiome and celiac disease
09/27/2018First patient gets vaccine in new clinical trial, plus cholesterol drug shows promises in celiac disease monitoring
08/30/2018Nearly 45,000 new patients added over four years
08/16/2018What physicians and patients should be on the look out for
07/19/2018Pill could make small amounts of gluten tolerable and lighten the burden of the gluten-free diet
07/06/2018Undiagnosed celiac disease can lead to stillbirths and miscarriages but diagnosis makes a difference
06/08/2018Study results presented at DDW offer hope for future protection from accidental gluten exposure
06/03/2018Both celiac disease and related celiac disease autoimmunity are rising and rates vary by geographic location
05/23/2018From Celiac Awareness Month to Digestive Disease Week, celiac disease research comes into focus
04/19/2018A new study examines the connection between Epstein-Barr and seven autoimmune diseases
04/11/2018A look at the impact of diagnosis in children and older adults
03/15/2018Researchers attempt to measure how much gluten gets into the gluten-free diet
02/23/2018Hypervigilant celiac disease patients at risk for increased anxiety and fatigue.
01/31/2018Merger provides funding for larazotide acetate to advance in clinical trials
01/26/2018Unfounded worry about gluten in flu vaccine poses risk to public health
01/24/2018Gluten sensitive patients reluctant to eat gluten again could be spared a return to symptoms by a new test under study in Norway
01/02/20182017 was a busy year for progress towards celiac disease drugs and a vaccine. What does 2018 hold?
12/13/2017A gluten-free diet can benefit some IBS patients, study finds
11/28/2017Investigation of new drug that could help patients struggling with symptoms gets NIH grant
11/15/2017Bold Beyond Research Symposium experts focus on need for participation in celiac disease studies
11/07/2017For the first time, you can know for sure if you’ve been glutened
10/25/2017A large-scale, international study concludes development of celiac disease and type 1 diabetes is not associated with drugs used to treat common childhood infections
10/04/2017Five-year review shows NIH gives less money to celiac disease than other gastro-intestinal conditions
09/27/2017A new test could make it easier to distinguish gluten sensitivity from celiac disease and speed up the search for new treatments
09/19/2017A potential treatment for celiac disease has been approved for clinical trials
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