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Having problems with quinoa

January 25, 2011

Having problems with quinoa

January 25, 2011


Have you heard of anyone having problems with quinoa? I think it may be a problem for me.




Hi Debbie. Plain quinoa, straight from the package, is gluten-free. I have not heard of any cross-contamination issues with processing quinoa as you do with oatmeal. Was the quinoa prepared by you? If so, could you have mistakenly added a non gluten-free ingredient to a recipe? If you bought a prepared quinoa food, there could be an ingredient that contained gluten. If you are sure that all other ingredients are gluten-free, then you could possibly have some digestive issues with quinoa, and you may choose to avoid consuming it.


Nancy Dickens, BS, RD, LDN

Note: While quinoa was not included among Thompson et al.’s (2010) research on gluten contamination in naturally gluten-free grains, seeds and flours, researchers did prove that mislabeling and cross contamination concerns exist. For more information, click here.


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