From Paul Biscione of Food Living and Everything Else
1. Empty both jars (with liquid) into your food processor and run until smooth.
2. Place a mesh strainer on a bowl and pour in the puréed red peppers and let drain into the bowl (to remove any seeds); use a spatula if it is not draining fast enough and mash it through the strainer.
3. While peppers are straining: In a sauce pan or pot, sauté the onions in a little olive oil until translucent over medium-low heat; about 3 to 5 minutes.
4. Add garlic and all dry ingredients and sauté until fragrant; about a minute.
5. Add the strained red pepper puree to the pot, and simmer covered for 15 minutes.
6. While the sauce is simmering: Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil for the pasta and cook the pasta as per the package’s directions.
At this point, you can toss some sauce on the past and serve it. HOWEVER, for restaurant quality results, follow these additional steps.
1. CONTINUED FROM STEP 6 ABOVE; cook the pasta until JUST BEFORE al denté (as we are going to cook it a little longer after it is drained).
2. Reserve one cup of the pasta water and then drain the pasta (don’t rinse).
3. In a large pot over medium-high heat, add about two ladles of the roasted red pepper sauce and bring it up to a simmer (this should be enough to coat the pasta).
4. Put the pasta in the pot and pour in half of the reserved pasta water. Stir everything around to combine. The pasta water will start to come together with the sauce and the pasta and the pasta will look coated and thick, not watery. Only use the rest of the pasta water if you want to thin out the sauce.
5. Serve with an additional scoop of roasted red pepper sauce on top and some grated cheese (optional).
6. EAT !
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