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10 Tips for Resilient Resolutions

January 4, 2011

10 Tips for Resilient Resolutions

Take Peter’s advice and resolve to make 2011 your best year yet!

Happy New Year everyone! I have to admit – 2011 really snuck up on us. November and December were so busy, we hardly had time to anticipate Christmas, let alone the next year. But here we are…

If you’re like many Americans, you probably made a resolution (or two or three). And there’s also a pretty good chance that your resolution had something to do with eating healthier and/or dieting. Earlier today, Time Magazine published a story about the Top 10 most commonly broken New Year’s resolutions, and – no big surprise – eating healthier and/or dieting is on the list.

I like to think that the gluten-free community knows a thing or two about sticking to a diet or lifestyle for the sake of one’s health. Then again, adhering to a gluten-free diet is one thing. Making good on a resolution to make that gluten-free diet healthier than it was last year is quite another. And so, we offer you these 10 tips for resilient resolutions; advice that you can implement today so that you can still be successful eating healthier tomorrow.

What you’ll hopefully notice in this list are that a) none of our tips are earth-shattering, and b) many of them are remarkably small dietary modifications. We think those two elements are keys to success. If you can easily integrate a change into your daily routine and lifestyle, is stands that much better a chance of becoming routine, and routine is what gives us consistency day to day, month to month, and year to year, so that when 2011 kicks over to 2012, you don’t find yourself making the same New Year’s resolution you made this year, because somewhere along the line, you fell off the tracks.

And so, without further ado…

Read Peter’s 10 Tips for Resilient Resolutionson his blog:

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