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Top 4 Highlights from Digestive Disease Week 2015

June 4, 2015

Top 4 Highlights from Digestive Disease Week 2015


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Check out NFCA’s list of the top four highlights from Digestive Disease Week 2015.

Digestive Disease Week (DDW) is the world’s largest meeting of physicians and researchers in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery. This year, the event was held from May 16-19. Three staff members represented the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) at this gathering, where they were able to talk with leading experts and academics in the field of celiac disease research, many of whom NFCA is proud to call a member of our Scientific/Medical Advisory Council. NFCA staff learned about many new studies that have provided evidence for some of the struggles we often hear about from those living with celiac disease. Want to learn more about the research that was presented at this scientific meeting? Check out these top four highlights of DDW 2015 from NFCA’s team!

1. Dr. Stefano Guandalini discussed his recent study highlighting the economic burden of celiac disease.

2. Dr. Luc Biedermann presented his findings that diagnosis of celiac disease in women is often delayed.

3. Researchers from the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University talked about their study, which found that some probiotics may contain unsafe levels of gluten for those with celiac disease.

4. A panel of researchers from several different institutes presented on the topic, “Celiac Disease – Which Factors are at Play in Childhood That Can Increase the Risk to Develop the Disease in Adulthood?” Check out NFCA’s recent webinar with Drs. Alessio Fasano, Carlo Catassi, and Sabine Vriezinga for more information on this popular topic!


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